
Found 1419 results
Foury A, Lebret B, Chevillon P, Vautier A, Terlouw C, Mormède P. Alternative rearing systems in pigs: consequences on stress indicators at slaughter and meat quality. Animal. 2011;5(10):1620-5. doi:10.1017/S1751731111000784.
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Vitezica Z-G, Aguilar I, Misztal I, Legarra A. Bias in genomic predictions for populations under selection. Genetics Research. 2011;93:357–366.
Mormède P, Foury A, Terenina E, Knap PW. Breeding for robustness: the role of cortisol. Animal. 2011;5(5):651-7. doi:10.1017/S1751731110002168.
Michelland RJ, Monteils V, Combes S, Cauquil L, Gidenne T, Lamothe L. Changes over time in the bacterial communities associated with fluid and food particles and the ruminal parameters in the bovine rumen before and after a dietary change. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 2011;57:629–637. doi:10.1139/w11-053.
Boumahdi-Merad Z, Berbar A, Belabbas R, et al. A comparative study on the follicular dynamics between sexually receptive and non-receptive algerian female rabbits after mating. European Journal of Scientific Research. 2011;53:93–107.
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Ferrand M, Huquet B, Barbey S, et al. Determination of fatty acid profile in cow's milk using mid-infrared spectrometry : Interest of applying a variable selection by genetic algorithms before a PLS regession. 2011;106:183–189.
Tusell L, Legarra A, Garcia-Tomas M, Rafel O, Ramon J, Piles M. Different ways to model biological relationships between fertility and pH of the semen in rabbits. Journal of Animal Science. 2011;89:1294–1303. doi:10.2527/jas.2010-3242.
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Fernandez X, Bouillier-Oudot M, Molette C, Bernadet MD, Manse H. Duration of transport and holding in lairage at constant postprandial delay to slaughter--effects on fatty liver and breast muscle quality in mule ducks. Poult Sci. 2011;90(10):2360-9. doi:10.3382/ps.2011-01483.
Chen C-Y, Misztal I, Aguilar I, Legarra A, Muir W. Effect of different genomic relationship matrices on accuracy and scale. Journal of Animal Science. 2011;89:2673–2679.
Johnson L, C. Nys F, Chanvallon A, et al. The effect of short-term nutritional supplementation and body condition on the pituitary and ovarian responses of anoestrus ewes to the ``ram effect''. 2011;2, online:Non–pagin{é}. doi:10.4172/2157-7579.s2-001.
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Aguilar I, Misztal I, Legarra A, Tsuruta S. Efficient computation of the genomic relationship matrix and other matrices used in single-step evaluation. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics. 2011;128:422–428.
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Douaud M, Feve K, Pituello F, et al. Epilepsy caused by an abnormal alternative splicing with dosage effect of the SV2A gene in a chicken model. PLoS One. 2011;6(10):e26932. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0026932.
Douaud M, Feve K, Pituello F, et al. Epilepsy caused by an abnormal alternative splicing with dosage effect of the SV2A gene in a chicken model. PloS one. 2011;6:e26932. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0026932.
Rafat SA, Namavar P, Shodja DJ, Janmohammadi H, Khosroshahi HZ, David I. Estimates of the genetic parameters of turkey body weight using random regression analysis. Animal. 2011;5:1699–1704. doi:10.1017/s1751731111000929.
Rafat SA, Namavar P, Shodja DJ, Janmohammadi H, Khosroshahi HZ, David I. Estimates of the genetic parameters of turkey body weight using random regression analysis. Animal. 2011;5(11):1699-704. doi:10.1017/S1751731111000929.
Simeone R, Misztal I, Aguilar I, Legarra A. Evaluation of the utility of diagonal elements of the genomic relationship matrix as a diagnostic tool to detect mislabelled genotype animals in a broiler chicken population. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics. 2011;128:386–393.
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