Found 1419 results
Comparison of four statistical tests for genotype determination at a major locus of progeny tested sires. Zeitschrift fuer Lebensmittel Untersuchung und Forschung. 1991;108:167–173.
. Genetic evaluation of horses based on ranks in competitions. Genetics Selection Evolution. 1991;23:159–173.
. Genetic parameters for twinning in the Maine Anjou breed. Genetics Selection Evolution. 1991;23:421–430.
. Evidence for a new major gene influencing meat quality in pigs. Genetics Research. 1990;55:33–40.
. Number of mature follicles ovulating after a challenge of human chorionic gonadotropin in different breeds of sheep at different physiological stages. Journal of Animal Science. 1990;68:719–724.
. Statisticals tests for identification of the genotype at a major locus of progeny tested sires. Biometrics. 1990;46:583–594.
. Stimulation of testosterone production by PMSG injection in the ovine male : effect of breed and age and application to males carrying or not carrying the \"F\"booroola gene. Animal Reproduction Science. 1990;23:21–32.
Variability of litter size of french sheep breeds following natural or induced ovulation. Animal Production. 1989:535–541.
. The calculation of herbage intake of grazing sheep : a detailed comparison between models. Agricultural Systems. 1988:123–160.
. Posterior probability of the sireś genotype at a major locus based on progeny-test results for discrete characters. Génétique Sélection Evolution. 1988;20:227–238.
. Evaluacion genetica de reproductores Hereford para algunas caracteristicas de la res. Rev. Arg. Prod. Anim. 1987;7:463–473.
. Weight gain in grazing sheep : a detailed comparison between models. Agricultural Systems. 1986;19:211–248.
. Evaluacion genetica de toros lecheros utilizando grupos y parentezcos. Revista Argentina de Produccion Animal. 1985;5:713–721.
. La genetica zootecnica aplicada al ganado lechero. Revista Argentina de Produccion Animal. 1985;5:183–202.
. Sexado de semen y mejoramiento genetico del ganado lechero. Revista de Medicina Veterinaria. 1985;66:392–396.
. Phenotypic and genetic statistics of components of milk and two measures of somatic cell concentration. Journal of Dairy Science. 1984;67:2028–2033.
. Progreso genetico teorico en una poblacion regional de ganado lechero. Rev. Facultad de Agronomia (Universidad de Buenos AIres). 1984;5:155–163.
. Determinacion de factores de extension de lactancias. Rev. Facultad de Agronomia (Universidad de Buenos AIres). 1983;4:91–97.
. Estimacion de parametros geneticos a partir de optimas predicciones lineales insesgadas. Rev. Facultad de Agronomia (Universidad de Buenos AIres). 1983;4:185–190.