Expression levels of 25 genes in liver and testis located in a QTL region for androstenone on SSC7q1.2.

TitleExpression levels of 25 genes in liver and testis located in a QTL region for androstenone on SSC7q1.2.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsRobic, A, Fève, K, Larzul, C, Billon, Y, van Son, M, Liaubet, L, Sarry, J, Milan, D, Grindflek, E, Bidanel, JP, Riquet, J
JournalAnim Genet
Date Published2011 Dec
KeywordsAdipose Tissue, Androstenes, Animals, Centromere, Chromosomes, Mammalian, Gene Expression, Gene Expression Regulation, Liver, Male, Polymerase Chain Reaction, Quantitative Trait Loci, Testis

A quantitative trait locus (QTL) for boar fat androstenone levels has been identified near the SSC7 centromere in a Large White × Meishan cross. Backcrosses were produced to isolate the Chinese haplotype in a European genetic background. The expression of 25 genes from the QTL region was studied in the testes and livers of 5-month-old backcross boars, with the aim of identifying the causal gene. Using Fluidigm, a new high-throughput technology, the expression of 25 genes was measured in a single real-time PCR experiment. This study found six significantly down-regulated genes (C6ORF106, C6ORF81, CLPS, SLC26A8, SRPK1 and MAPK14) in the testes of MS-LW backcross boars. However, according to current knowledge, none of the genes appear to be related to androstenone metabolism. In the livers, none of the genes were significantly up- or down-regulated, including TEAD3, which was previously designated as a possible candidate to explain this QTL.

Alternate JournalAnim. Genet.
PubMed ID22035010