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Mulligan MK, Lu L, Cavigelli SA, et al. Impact of Genetic Variation on Stress-Related Ethanol Consumption. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2019;43(7):1391-1402. doi:10.1111/acer.14073.
Aboshady HM, Mandonnet N, Stear MJ, et al. Transcriptome variation in response to gastrointestinal nematode infection in goats. PLoS One. 2019;14(6):e0218719. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0218719.
Monniaux D, Genet C, Maillard V, et al. Prenatal programming by testosterone of follicular theca cell functions in ovary. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2019. doi:10.1007/s00018-019-03230-1.


Escudié F, Auer L, Bernard M, et al. FROGS : Find, Rapidly, OTUs with Galaxy Solution. Bioinformatics. 2018;34(8):1287-1294. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btx791.
