The duck genome and transcriptome provide insight into an avian influenza virus reservoir species.

TitleThe duck genome and transcriptome provide insight into an avian influenza virus reservoir species.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsHuang, Y, Li, Y, Burt, DW, Chen, H, Zhang, Y, Qian, W, Kim, H, Gan, S, Zhao, Y, Li, J, Yi, K, Feng, H, Zhu, P, Li, B, Liu, Q, Fairley, S, Magor, KE, Du, Z, Hu, X, Goodman, L, Tafer, H, Vignal, A, Lee, T, Kim, K-W, Sheng, Z, An, Y, Searle, S, Herrero, J, Groenen, MAM, Crooijmans, RPMA, Faraut, T, Cai, Q, Webster, RG, Aldridge, JR, Warren, WC, Bartschat, S, Kehr, S, Marz, M, Stadler, PF, Smith, J, Kraus, RHS, Zhao, Y, Ren, L, Fei, J, Morisson, M, Kaiser, P, Griffin, DK, Rao, M, Pitel, F, Wang, J, Li, N
JournalNat Genet
Date Published2013 Jul
KeywordsAnimals, Base Sequence, Chickens, Disease Reservoirs, Disease Vectors, Ducks, Female, Geese, Genome, Host-Pathogen Interactions, Immunity, Influenza in Birds, Molecular Sequence Data, Phylogeny, Species Specificity, Transcriptome

The duck (Anas platyrhynchos) is one of the principal natural hosts of influenza A viruses. We present the duck genome sequence and perform deep transcriptome analyses to investigate immune-related genes. Our data indicate that the duck possesses a contractive immune gene repertoire, as in chicken and zebra finch, and this repertoire has been shaped through lineage-specific duplications. We identify genes that are responsive to influenza A viruses using the lung transcriptomes of control ducks and ones that were infected with either a highly pathogenic (A/duck/Hubei/49/05) or a weakly pathogenic (A/goose/Hubei/65/05) H5N1 virus. Further, we show how the duck's defense mechanisms against influenza infection have been optimized through the diversification of its β-defensin and butyrophilin-like repertoires. These analyses, in combination with the genomic and transcriptomic data, provide a resource for characterizing the interaction between host and influenza viruses.

Alternate JournalNat. Genet.
PubMed ID23749191
PubMed Central IDPMC4003391
Grant List079643 / / Wellcome Trust / United Kingdom
095908 / / Wellcome Trust / United Kingdom
BB/I025328/1 / / Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council / United Kingdom
BB/I025360/1 / / Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council / United Kingdom
BB/I025506/1 / / Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council / United Kingdom
BB/K008161/1 / / Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council / United Kingdom
BBS/E/D/20211550 / / Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council / United Kingdom
BBS/E/D/20211552 / / Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council / United Kingdom
BBS/E/D/20241863 / / Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council / United Kingdom
BBS/E/D/20320000 / / Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council / United Kingdom