
Found 1419 results
Robic A, Faraut T, Liaubet L, Milan D. The carnitine acetyltransferase gene (CRAT): a characterization of porcine transcripts with insights into the 5'-end variants of mammalian transcripts and their possible sub-cellular localization. Cell Mol Biol Lett. 2009;14(1):90-9. doi:10.2478/s11658-008-0036-3.
Cano EM, Debenedetti S, Abad M, Allain D, Taddeo HR, Poli MA. Chromosomal segments underlying quantitative trait loci for mohair production in Angora goats. Animal Genetic Resources Information. 2009;45:107–112. doi:10.1017/s1014233909990423.
Dubois JP, Bijja M, Auvergne A, Lavigne F, Fernandez X, Babilé R. Comportement des oies sous un couvert de noyers et effets sur les performances du verger. Agroforesteries. 2009;2:7–12.
Le Mignon G, Pitel F, Gilbert H, et al. A comprehensive analysis of QTL for abdominal fat and breast muscle weights on chicken chromosome 5 using a multivariate approach. Animal Genetics. 2009;40:157–164. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2052.2008.01817.x.
Misztal I, Legarra A, Aguilar I. Computing procedures for genetic evaluation including phenotypic, full pedigree, and genomic information. Journal of Dairy Science. 2009;92:4648–4655.
Lamothe L, Combes S, Gidenne T. Contribution of intensive rabbit breeding to sustainable development. A semi-quantitative analysis of the production in France. World Rabbit Science. 2009;17:79–85.
Faraut T, de Givry S, Hitte C, et al. Contribution of radiation hybrids to genome mapping in domestic animals. Cytogenet Genome Res. 2009;126(1-2):21-33. doi:10.1159/000245904.
Boitard S, Schlötterer C, Futschik A. Detecting selective sweeps: a new approach based on hidden markov models. Genetics. 2009;181:1567-78. doi:10.1534/genetics.108.100032.
Cano EM, Daverio S, Caceres M, et al. Detection of QTL affecting fleece traits on CHI 19 in Angora Goats. Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems. 2009;11:189–191. Available at:
Eadmusik S, Molette C, Rémignon H, Fernandez X. Different rates of glycolysis affect glycolytic activities and protein properties in turkey breast muscle. Animal. 2009;3(2):237-43. doi:10.1017/S1751731108003327.
Eadmusik S, Molette C, Rémignon H, Fernandez X. Different rates of glycolysis affect glycolytic activities and protein properties in turkey breat muscle. Animal. 2009;3:237–243.
Devalle-Costard A, Vitezica Z, Moreno C, Elsen JM. A dynamic deterministic model to optimize a multiple-trait selection scheme. Journal of Animal Science. 2009;87:885–894. doi:10.2527/jas.2008-0898.
Lavial F, Acloque H, Bachelard E, Nieto MA, Samarut J, Pain B. Ectopic expression of Cvh (Chicken Vasa homologue) mediates the reprogramming of chicken embryonic stem cells to a germ cell fate. Dev Biol. 2009;330:73-82.
Gidenne T, Murr S, Travel A, et al. Effets du niveau de rationnement et du mode de distribution de l'aliment sur les performances et les troubles digestifs post-sevrage du lapereau. Premiers résultats d'une étude concertée du réseau GEC. Cuniculture Magazine. 2009;36:65–72.
Gilles A, Lebreton P, Troegeler-Meynadier A. Effets d'une supplémentation en iode et selenium de la vache gestante sur les statuts en oligo-elements et immunitaire du veau nouveau-ne. Revue de Médecine Vétérinaire. 2009;160:10–17.
Thiery JP, Acloque H, Huang RY, Nieto MA. Epithelial-mesenchymal transitions in development and disease. Cell. 2009;139:871-90.
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Elsen JM, Filangi O, Gilbert H, Le Roy P, Moreno C. A fast algorithm for estimating transmission probabilities in QTL detection designs with dense maps. Genetics Selection Evolution. 2009;41, online:{Non paginé. doi:10.1186/1297-9686-41-50.
Gidenne T, Combes S, Feugier A, et al. Feed restriction strategy in the growing rabbit. 2. Impact on digestive health, growth and carcass characteristics. Animal. 2009;3:509–515.
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Furstoss V, David I, Leboeuf B, Guillouet P, Boué P, Bodin L. Genetic and non-genetic parameters of several characteristics of production and semen quality in young bucks. Animal Reproduction Science. 2009;110:25–36. doi:10.1016/j.anireprosci.2007.12.011.
Ruhlmann C, Bruns E, Fraehr E, et al. Genetic connectedness between seven {Europe}an countries for performance in jumping competitions of warmblood riding horses. Livestock Science. 2009;120:75–86.
Ruhlmann C, Janssens S, Philipsson J, et al. Genetic correlations between horse show jumping competition traits in five {Europe}an countries. Livestock Science. 2009;122:234–240.
