Modélisation Génétique et Génomique

MG2 Research Activities

Our research contributes to the development and use of methodologies for genetic and genomic evaluation and prediction, for genetic management of populations, and for the localization and use of major genes and QTLs, all of it in livestock populations.

Latest News

ARDI2 “Vers la consolidation du travail conjoint en matière de recherche, de développement et d'innovation dans le secteur ovin”

ARDI2 project funding institutions and partners with some sheep

ARDI2 “Vers la consolidation du travail conjoint en matière de recherche, de développement et d'innovation dans le secteur ovin” est un projet de coopération transfrontalière approuvé dans le cadre du premier appel à projets du programme Interreg POCTEFA 2021-2027, qui capitalise sur les résultats obtenus dans un précédent projet POCTEFA, ARDI.

Going to AGBT Ag - San Antonio, TX, March 27-29, 2023

Simona Antonios

Simona ANTONIOS, PhD student in the MG2 team was warded a scholarship to present her work on Partitioning of the genetic trend of dairy sheep in Mendelian samplings at the next AGBT Ag meeting taking place in San Antonio, Texas from March 27 to 29 2023. Congratulations Simona !

Advances in Genome Biology and Technology (AGBT) Agricultural Meeting (AGBT Ag) focus on the integration of genomics and agriculture, AGBT Ag is uniquely positioned to enable and enhance communication among stakeholders in order to address the escalating needs of a changing earth. More information on AGBT Agriculture is available on the website


Jean-Michel Elsen
Anne Ricard
Christèle Robert-Granié
Silvia Rodriguez Ramilo
Zulma Vitezica
PhD Students
Manon Dugué
Marc Teissier
Claire Oget
Marjorie Chassier
Former Members
Andrés Legarra Webpage

