Fetal maturity at the feto-maternal interface: contribution of fetal and maternal genomes and tissue metabolism perturbations 2021-2023

Perinatal mortality is mostly due to a reduced piglet maturity. An essential question for adaptation to extra-uterine environment lies in the optimization of the cross-talk between maternal and fetal genomes allowing the fetuses to express healthier phenotypes at birth.
The CO-LOcATION project proposes an integrative biology approach combining genomics, metabolisms and maturity phenotypes to answer this crucial question for both research and pig production sustainability. The project will use samples from a former ANR PORCINET project that produced pure and reciprocal genotypes with contrasted robustness at birth.
Whole-genome strategies will be leading to decipher the complexity of phenotypes with focusing on the endometrium-placenta interactions together with the question of trade-off between growth and survival. CO-LOCATION project will propose to test new orientations for genetic selection and (or) nutrition that should promote a better piglet survival.