Male meiotic segregation analyses of peri- and paracentric inversions in the pig species

TitleMale meiotic segregation analyses of peri- and paracentric inversions in the pig species
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsMassip, K, Bonnet, N, Calgaro, A, Billoux, S, Baquié, V, Mary, N, Bonnet-Garnier, A, Ducos, A, Yerle, M, Pinton, A
JournalCytogenet Genome Res
KeywordsAnimals Centromere Chromosome Inversion Chromosome Segregation Humans Male Meiosis Phenotype Sus scrofa Telomere

Inversions are well-known structural chromosomal rearrangements in humans and pigs. Such rearrangements generally have no effect on the carriers’ phenotype. However, the presence of an inversion can lead to spermatogenesis impairments and to the production of unbalanced (recombinant) gametes, responsible for early miscarriages, stillbirth, or congenital abnormalities. Sperm samples from boars heterozygote for pericentric inv(2)(p1.1;q1.1), inv(2) (p1.1;q2.1), inv(1)(p2.1;q2.10), or inv(1)(p2.4;q2.9), as well as for paracentric inv(2)(q1.3;q2.5) or inv(1)(q1.2;q2.4) were analyzed using sperm FISH (fluorescent in situ hybridization on decondensed sperm heads) to determine the male meiotic segregation profiles of the rearrangements. Furthermore, the availability of sperm samples for 2 unrelated carriers of inv(2)(p1.1;q1.1) allowed us to check for the occurrence of inter-individual variability of the rates of unbalanced meiotic products for this rearrangement. The estimated proportions of recombinant gametes were very low for all the inversions studied (0.62%, 1.30%, 3.05%, 1.27%, 4.12% and 0.84%, respectively), albeit significantly higher than the control. The rearrangements should therefore have very little impact on the reproductive performance of the carriers. No difference was found between the 2 carriers of inv(2)(p1.1;q1.1), suggesting a lack of inter-individual variability for this rearrangement. Overall, no significant correlation was found between the sizes of the inverted fragments and the proportions of recombinant (unbalanced) gametes for the 6 inversions studied. This is in contradiction with most human results. Further studies (pairing and recombination analysis using immunostaining techniques) should be carried out to elucidate the origin of such an inter-species difference.
