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Methods for multiple-marker mapping of quantitative trait loci in half-sib populations. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 1996;93:71–80.
. Synteny conservation between parts of human chromosome 4q and bovine and ovine chromosomes 6. Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics. 1996;72:212–214.
. Towards the identification of RN gene involved in meat quality in pig. Animal Genetics. 1996;27:114.
Two polymorphic microsatellite markers close to the ovine NRAMP gene. Animal Genetics. 1996:57–64.
. Influence du locus de la caséine Î$\pm$s1 {s}ur les performances laitières et les paramètres génétiques des chèvres de race Alpine. Genetics Selection Evolution. 1995;27:437–450.
Numerical comparison between powers of maximum likelihood and analysis of variance methods for QTL detection in progeny test designs: the case of monogenic inheritance. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 1995;90:65–72.
. Optimal design for the detection of a major gene segregation in crosses between 2 pure lines. Genetics Selection Evolution. 1995;27:275–285.
. Polymorphisme de la caséine alpha s1 et sélection caprine. Rencontres autour des Recherches sur les Ruminants. 1995;2:167–170.
. The RN locus for meat quality maps to pig chromosome 15. Genetics Selection Evolution. 1995;27:195–199.
A FORTRAN program to simulate the evolution of genetic variability in a small population. Computer Applications in the Biosciences. 1994;9:7 p.
. Genetic markers for the Booroola fecundity (Fec) gene in sheep. Mammalian Genome. 1994;5:26–33.
Mapping quantitative trait loci in crosses between outbred lines using least squares. Genetics. 1994;136:1195–1207.
. Optimal structure of protocol designs for building genetic linkage maps in livestock. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 1994;88:129–134.
. Search for genetic markers of the {FEC} (fecundity) gene in sheep by using comparative mapping. Animal Genetics. 1994;25:63.
. TNP1 GENE : a sheep polymorphic marker for a conserved region among mammals. Mammalian Genome. 1994;5:390–392.
Prediction of annual genetic gain and improvement lag between populations. Genetics Selection Evolution. 1993;25:75–82.
. Testing in normal mixture models with some information on the parameters. Biometrical Journal. 1993;35:771–783.
. Absence of evidence for linkage between Booroola gene and genetic markers at 11 {s}heep blood polymorphic loci. Animal Genetics. 1992;23:525–527.
. Genetic analysis of fingerprints in merinos dÁrles X booroola merino crossbred sheep. Animal Genetics. 1992;23:339–346.
. Genetic control of resistance to enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli in infant mice. Microbial Pathogenesis. 1992;13:157–160.
. Simple test statistics for major gene detection : a numerical comparison. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 1992;83:635–644.
. Is there any major gene contributing to litter size of Meishan gilts ?. Genetics of Reproduction Traits. 1992;1:126–127.
. Comparison of four statistical tests for genotype determination at a major locus of progeny tested sires. Zeitschrift fuer Lebensmittel Untersuchung und Forschung. 1991;108:167–173.
. Evidence for a new major gene influencing meat quality in pigs. Genetics Research. 1990;55:33–40.
. Number of mature follicles ovulating after a challenge of human chorionic gonadotropin in different breeds of sheep at different physiological stages. Journal of Animal Science. 1990;68:719–724.